Saturday, November 1, 2008

Marie's slides... They're neat!!!

assign3 blogwork: assign3 blogwork: Group2 assignment, section 2

The Slides are very well done in terms of consistency in font and color. Fonts are big enough to be readable, and content is neatly concentrated in the middle of the page. The graph uses a good color scheme although lacking some labels (particularly vertical for hours) and font on graph and legend is very small.

The pie charts could also be made bigger with bigger font as there were too much empty white space that was a bit distracting.

The points were presented clearly and consistently without long paragraphs and some effective use of color for highlighting points.

Overall a very clean, and pleasant presentation. Kudos to you Marie ;)

ps. btw loved how your group's presentation was a discussion style and interaction between the members... ace on that too....

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