Saturday, November 8, 2008

Alternative software

Covered in week 4 where we compared different word processors, there are a lot of different software that can be used to achieve a certain task. Software is basically the interface that allows users to give command to the computer to do stuff, and in the previous post we've talked about how the software become a mediator, and that better features creates better usability. Therefore there exists alternative softwares for the different tasks that the user want to do.

For example to edit word documents, the most common software is MS Word from Microsoft. However there are also different packages from different people such as openoffice software, or Zoho softwares. These softwares carry the same purpose but offers different features. Zoho is online suite that allows multiple users to ollaborate. Openoffice is a free package, allowing users who are on a budget can have a decent word processing software.

Therefore the alternative softwares not only offer extra/different features, but also cater to people requiring specific demand and scenario.

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