Friday, October 24, 2008

Week 2 Reflections

Student Date ADL Leisure Productive Activities Grand Total
Zun 9/7/2008 13.5 7 3 23.5

9/8/2008 17 2 7 26

9/9/2008 13.75 4.5 5 23.25

9/10/2008 10.75 5 8 23.75

9/11/2008 14.25 5.75 4 24

9/12/2008 21.25
4.25 25.5

9/13/2008 9.75 6.25 4 20

9/14/2008 12.75 7.25 7 27

9/15/2008 16 2 6 24

9/16/2008 16.75 1.75 4 22.5

9/17/2008 10.25 7 7.25 24.5

9/18/2008 15.25 3.25 6 24.5

9/19/2008 20
2 22

9/20/2008 8.5 8.25 2.75 19.5
Zun Total
199.75 60 70.25 330

Week 2 starts from the 14th ending the 20th

If we see the totals for both leisure (29.5) and productive activities (35), it is very similar to week one's totals (30.5 and 35.25)and shows I tend to be consistent and follow a routine of how long I study or when i spend time on leisure.

I think my time allocations are determined more by my leisure activities. For example because of time differences from here to my home country, I always schedule a time when my friends would meet me online, so time waiting for them to come on will be spent on studying or assignments. The same goes for when waiting for the time scheduled for training at the gym. I would spend that time fixing code, reading research papers and taking notes for later.

Serious studying will be done at night which is found to be optimal for me (probably because its cooler).

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