Friday, October 24, 2008

Is productive productive?

As previously stated, 35 hours (for me)were allocated to assignment and uni work... Thats all well and good, but does that time usage prove to be effective for study? We argued that using that data alone shows nothing about the effectiveness of study when there is no point of reference or comparison. For example does those hours reflect on my grades? For my group, we didn't think those two weeks come even close to reflect on our GPA or grades since its just a sample of two random weeks. It also discounts other factors that might affect grade such as distractions, focus, and burnout.


Looking at the overall total for the two weeks, travelling and eating takes up quite a lot of hours. Although classes take 60 hours or so, it discounts setting up, settling down, travelling from one class to the next, so the productiveness/effectiveness may be highly reduced. For me assignments time and social time are almost interchangable as both commonly occurs when I am surfing the internet (assignments are mainly web based). So to be realistic, more focus would have been paid towards socialising or empty browsing than work.

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