Friday, October 24, 2008

Background Data

Our task was for groups to monitor and track their own time spent on various activities throughout two weeks, at the end of which they were to present the statistics and evaluate how they spent their time. To present this effectively, my team consisting of me, the dude with the rad surname Sina, and the beautiful Michelle, decided on breaking down the tasks that we did into three different categories:
  • Productive activities (consisting of paid work, assignments, class time, studies, etc)
  • Leisure (consists of social and recreational activities, and of course the gym)
  • Activities of Daily Living (which we conviniently short formed ADL; covers sleeping, eating, travelling and the like)
Data collected was put in spreadsheets, you know, those boxes thingy that looks like tables. At the end totals were taken for each categories and compared. Following posts will reflect on how these data represent how I personally spend my time.

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